切換到新網站 改採用遠振資訊主機
今(25)日,木麻黃國正式將官方網站由 Lionfree 虛擬主機服務搬遷至遠振資訊的虛擬主機服務。
Today, the State of Casuarina moved its official website from Lionfree web hosting service to the service offered by Yuan-jhen Ltd., Taiwan.
由於 Lionfree 自動檢測程式的錯誤,去年木麻黃國(原 木麻黃共和國)網站無預警遭到撤除,雖然域名得到恢復,但 Lionfree 並未協助我們重建網站原有內容。
Due to an error in Lionfree's auto-detection program, the website of the State of Casuarina (formerly the Republic of Casuarina) was removed without prior notice last year. Although Lionfree restored our subdomain and space, they did not assist us in obtaining the original content.
為避免相關不穩定情況一再發生,本國已決定將網站搬遷至遠振資訊主機。對此,國務主席期望能有更加穩定的服務。國務委員會亦將致力把 FB 貼文全部整合進去,然後刪掉粉絲專頁。
In order to prevent similar instability from recurring, our country has moved the site to the Yuan-jhen host. The Chairperson of the State expects that the relocation will result in a more stable service. The Council will work to import posts from the Facebook fan page into the new posting system and work to the goal of staying far away from the social media giant.