

木麻黃共和國於今(25)日宣布更改國號為「木麻黃國」。國務主席表示,這是因為該國並非採用共和體制,而是單人領導,調整國名以符其實。主席也說,未來將會訂定新的《基本法》來取代現在被《訓政時期約法》暫停適用的《憲法》。 The Republic of Casuarina announced today that it has changed its name to the State of Casuarina. The Chairperson of the State said that this is because the country is not a republic, but a single person led country, so the name of the country is adjusted to be true. The Chairperson also said that a new Fundamental Law will be enacted to replace the Constitution, which has been suspended by the Provisional Constitution.